Synopses of Brian Salmi’s Upcoming Books
1 – The Riff n Raff Rebellions Volume 1
Fifteen year old best friends Riff and Raff stop a nuclear war, solve global warming and end hatred. To do so, they use their only superpower, love. But they get a lot of help from an alien species that got to Earth before humans did.

2 – Pookie Balrog
More pookie than balrog, the adorable monster comes to our realm from Balrogland, where love does not exist, looking for friends. On the Bridge of Love, which connects our world to his, Pookie Balrog meets eight year old Marina Marina, and the two go on awesome adventures.
3 – Sweet and Salty Crackers
Identical twins Rah Rah Ronnie and Bonbon Bonnie team up with their best friend, Silly Sally to teach children valauble lessons about life through delightful super short stories. Learning to read is fun when what you are reading is fun!
4 – Last night in WTFistan
When ISIS is unable to extort a millin dollar ransom for a Western journalist they have captured, the Islamist leader tells the reporter that, if the sun rises in the morning Allah has pronounced him guilty, and his head will be cut off, with rusty knives and broken bottles. The two men spend the night discussing politics, religion, and the cruel fates that have brought them together. In the process, they discover that they have more in common than they could have believed, but will the budding bromance be enough to save the infidel’s life?
5 – Kill All the Lawyers
Pablo Fiasco, the brilliant, erratic, and wildly successful smARTist and entrepreneur, is killing lawyers in New York City. No, it is not his most extreme art project. Then again, maybe it is? The question is not if he will get away with it, but how.
6 – Budha of the Mutants
Sometimes a journalist, and raconteur has to be in the centre of the story to tell it properly, and that’s exactly where you will find the author in this collection of tantalizing tales. The selection includes the infamous yarns The Viagra Rape Squad, BUSTED!, and Yummy Girl: Love in an Elevator.
7 – Requiem for Alliterate Ignoids
Sometimes a journalist, and raconteur has to step outside the spotlight in order to tell the story properly, and that’s what the author fdoes in this collection of blistering essays, and scathing socio-political satire.
8 – Booze Up and Riot
In early 2002, the author set out on a mission to destroy the municipal political party that had ruled Vaancouver City Haall for a decade. Week after week, he laid waste to city council and the police department in the pages of alt-weekly Terminal City. Booze Up and Riot tells the tale, and reveals how Salmi almost destroyed himself in the process.
9 – Rhino History, Other Lies, and all that Jazz
The hilarious history of the fabled Parti Rhinoceros Party, the Monty Pythons of Canadian politics, is told from its inception in 1963, to its unbelievable victory in 2008. The tall tale that could only be told by the incomparable, late, great Gonzo FUBAR van Rasputin is told by the incomparable, late, great Gonzo FUBAR van Rasputin.
10 – Sexpats
Sex, sex, and more sex: that’s what is on the minds of Sven Goran Sven Goran, Mary Jack Kennedy, Apollo Bonaparte, Purnima Chopra, and Melody Marley, an unconnected orgy of libidinous expats living, and lkusting in London.
A guilt ridden, filthy rich, aging industrialist cobbles together a cabal to stop the greed driven ecocide of planet Earth. The billionaire endows the nascent organization with an annual billion dollar budget, and instructs the disparate conspirators to save the world, by any means necessary.
12 – Willy Wonka: World’s Weirdest One Percnter
A desperate, no luck entrepreneur, with the infinite imagination of a wild child, changes his name to Willy Wonka. Next thing you know old Willy’s a millinaire. His luck holds, and grows. Next thing you know, old Willy’s a billionaire. When Wonka launches his bombastic business blitzkrieg empires crumble and burn, and a better world is built, one based on capitalism with a human face.
13 – I Was Just a Little Bunny
A dangerously naïve young woman, working for a global corporation operating inside a police state, is played for a pawn in an act of economic warfare designed to foment civil unrest, and bring about regime change. When the little bunny’s boss orders her to start exchanging millions of dollars on the country’s currency black market, she has to run to the hills, run for her life!
14 and 15
A literary experiment so bold that other writers will slap themselves upside their heads, and ask, “Why the Hell didn’t I think of that?” Because this experiment is so easy to steal, nothing will be revealed about it until it is ready to launch. Rest assured that when these bombs drop, writers around the world will pull on their copycat hats, and flood the planet with their own versions… unless, that is, the experiment goes horribly wrong, and the author and publisher find themselves defending a class action lawsuit.